Open thoughts from the Rhino
Published on July 1, 2004 By Red Rhino In Life Journals
The last line of my previous blog made me think, it reads as following: "If you watch the Channel long enough, its like one show blends right into another and you can spend hours just gazing at the pretty colors and beautiful people. Maybe thats what its all about. ... *zombie stare* I pledge allegiance to the MTV..."

I think MTV is very skilled at brainwashing. Their sets are brightly colored, everything moves around at a fast pace, wall to wall beautiful people, music with a hard beat in the background... etc. Yes, MTV is brain washing today's youth! Then just when you least expect it, bam, MTV News hits hard its liberal message. Ahhhh, MTV as a tool of the democrats to recruit. Very very intriguing.

Also one of the most interesting things I remember about their political coverage was that they had fashion editors and what not commenting about the looks and hairstyles of the democratic canidates. Trying to drive home the point that the only good canidate is an attractive one. And when was the last time there was an attractive republican canidate? (I do believe I'm spelling canidate wrong).

Very tricky MTV, very tricky indeed.

on Jul 01, 2004
What's interesting, though, is campaigns have moved to that "attractiveness" angle. If anything, we're a soundbite society and MTV played a huge role in that. I find MTV to be empty. It's so merchandise oriented and when was the last time they played music anyway? It's become a vehicle for forgotten pop stars to launch careers again and air 30 minute commercials of the certain pop star they are trying to push.

Have you ever seen Josie and the Pussycats? It satirizes what you're talking about.
on Jul 02, 2004
Yeah, I've seen Josie and the Pussycats. I can't remember most of it. Maybe I got some of that joking conspiracy thing from that movie subconsciously. The attractiveness angle isn't just politics though, its everything. Beautiful people get the benefit of the doubt. And I don't think its just Guys to Girls now... I think its Guys to guys, girls to girls, and girls to guys too. It used to be attractive people were considered less intelligent than "normal" looking people. But now thats all flip flopped. Who's the stupid guy on all the new sitcoms? The ugly, fat, and/or short ones. It used to be the pretty guys/girls, remember Darcy and Kelly from "Married with Children?"

I wonder if that change happened before or after the plastic surgery business became so popular? Darn that MTV, its ruined the world.