Open thoughts from the Rhino
Is There Such a Phenomenon?
Published on July 3, 2004 By Red Rhino In Misc
I'm new to, but I'm wonder if there is a bit of celebrity within the community? Does having one of those top10 users respond to posts make us feel good? Having the person with the number one site agree with your topic make a nice little feeling down in the cockles and sub-cockles of your heart? And when they disagree, does it make you sink into a hole?

When Dharmagrl responded to one of my posts, it gave me a wow factor. I guess that will pass over time.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 04, 2004
sal, that's so funny. being scared of either muggaz or i is just too funny, isn't it ?. I know you both it is!

sal, you're in the top 10 too now, so people might be scared of you as well ...

Hehe...nah everyone knows I'm a pussy cat, hehe!
on Jul 04, 2004
You exact words were that you have "dethroned" me which suggests you obviously felt I was the top blogger (as i was there to be dethroned in the first place)

Or are you now claiming you dethroned me from the lofty heights of the number 8 spot in the top ten?

When people start using words such as "define" and inference" it is a sign they are back tracking as they realise their first statement was ludicrous. Which in this case was that you have somehow taken over my mantle as the greatest blogger, that is fine if you genuinely believe that but you must have something to back it up was the point I was trying to make.

Eitherway I have recognised your amazing wit and interesting personality and have designated my role at joeuser to you, I'm sure you can entertain everybody with your tales of being a housewife.

I will still be around to make a few comments and write the odd article but you are now the greatest blogger on joeuser so I bid you good day and good luck.
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